I think about suicide a lot. Personally, I'm a fan. It's the great equalizer. Everyone from the lowliest begger, to the highest of kings will have shit in his pants and a hangman's erection when he kicks the stool. Once you pull the trigger all your brains you were so prideful of are all over the fucking wall now, and the retard you knew in school is just as smart as you.
More people should consider it. I always see people in the grocery store that are morbidly obese. There's no way they're going to lose the weight, trying is just too fucking hard for them; otherwise they'd be 300 pounds lighter.
Your entire life you're holding your finger, plugging the leak in the dam. Only a select few are brave enough to take their finger out. I dream of getting brave. Brave people don't deal with bullshit like taxes or cats. They call no man mister.
People who commit suicide are emancipating themselves from bullshit and I commend them for it. I highly recommend suicide for everyone.
But for the time I'm not brave, I put up shitty numbers in powerlifting, a relatively obscure sport that no one gives a shit about. I'll be bitching on this blog unless I forget I have this blog. If it sucks I'll just give up all together. Maybe I can fucking end it.
What was your total?