Sunday, February 17, 2013

Good things are happening.

Some news. Marshall offered to train with me after the whole "he's a Nazi" thing and I decided to take him up on the offer. The whole thing is still on the drawing board, but he might be coming out to the gym I lift in for a strongman meet and there may be some promotion of the gym, and the training together (still unclear how much, if any, there will be) will be documented for the benefit of both parties.

I'm not gonna write all day again about my take on LBEB, (same as Crossfit, they expose people to barbells and shit) but I think this is gonna be badass.

If this happens, I will post about the training and maybe Marshall will post about it on LBEB, I don't know. Still need to iron out the details but I do know I'll write about it.

The entire thing is also meant as a promotion for Hoffman's Barbell, an old fashioned strength factory run by Bryan Hoffman. Who so far has had me tell him what happened between me and Marshall about four times, and thinks is fucking hilarious.

Once again, this thing is just in the very early stages and it might not end up happening because Marshall might not be able to show up, or when he does, he'll just kill me. In the latter case, a brief funeral will be had after he leaves.

And now for actual content.

Just kidding.

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